Does anyone else pamper their pets more than themselves?

Hey folks… I’ve been thinking about my girlfriend Jess and her dog Georgie. She’s totally obsessed with him! I mean, he lives a better life than she does. His food is all fresh and organic, while she’s basically living off Oreos and old coffee. He gets these fancy laser and acupuncture treatments, but she’s got a herniated disc and just ignores it. She organizes all these fun outings for him while she’s stuck at her desk. He even goes to the groomer every month, and that costs as much as her haircuts, which she only gets every 3 months. She never spends on herself, but she always finds a way to spend on Georgie. Is this normal? Do other people do this? I can’t tell if it’s sweet, sad, or maybe a bit over the top. Where does she fall on the spectrum of dog obsessives?

Honestly, I totally get it! My friend is the same way with her cat. It’s kind of funny but also a little concerning lol.

I pamper my dog too, but I try to balance it. I think as long as she’s happy, it’s okay, right?

I think it might be a little excessive. Like, does she ever take time for herself? That could lead to some issues down the line.

I think it’s normal to spoil pets, but when it starts affecting your own well-being, that’s when it gets tricky.

I mean, if Georgie is happy and healthy, that’s great! But I hope she can find time for herself too.