Do your pets have any weird rituals

My dog insists on circling the living room twice before eating her food. It’s like she’s summoning the food gods or something. I’ve been thinking about it and I wonder if other pets have their own quirky rituals too.

My youngest Jack has to run back and forth to his bowl for quick mouthfuls of kibble every time we get ready to go for a walk. It’s like a little pre-walk routine. He runs, grabs a mouthful of biscuits, runs to the door while chomping on them, and then back to the bowl for more. It’s pretty funny to watch.

He’s taking his pre-workout, don’t judge lol.

When my fat lap kitty is getting ready for bed-time snuggles, she stands on my chest and digs the blanket away if it’s pulled up too high. It’s like she’s trying to dig in. Then she flops down and rolls off me onto her back. It’s such a funny sight.

My labrador collects things from around the house and fits them all in her mouth to greet me when I get home. Once she brought me four socks and a $5 bill. It’s her quirky way of saying hi, I guess.

Cosmo, my cat, likes for me to brush the dried poop off the brush and then he turns around and licks the brush.

My cat Millie has a strange nighttime ritual. She sleeps at the foot of my bed, then gets up around 3 am. She walks around the apartment meowing softly, almost like she’s whispering. Then she finds her favorite toy mouse and brings it into my bedroom. She only does this in the middle of the night.

Had a blue heeler that would dump the dish over to eat off the floor. Another would push up all the couch cushions after dinner and throw herself onto the floor to squirm around. We called it her happy dance.

My dog gets the zoomies after going potty. When we go upstairs for bed, she zooms around the room and comes to my side of the bed to rub her belly on the carpet while I get ready. It’s like she’s celebrating going potty.

Every morning after breakfast, my dog rolls maniacally on the couch, kicking off all the pillows. She makes little snuffling noises and it lasts a minute or two before she settles down.

Vader has too many rituals. If something happened to us, any new owner would be clueless about how to take care of him.

My dog would only walk on the left side of me from when she was four months old until she passed away at 16. If she were on the right side, she’d get really stressed.

When I get into bed at night, my cat jumps up for pets and cuddles, then jumps down for a small kibble snack before plunking back on my legs purring loudly. She does this every single night.

Every time my partner’s dog gets down off the bed, he stretches out his front legs to drag out his comfortable time. Our working Central Asian Ovcharka has to run over to one of the filled buckets for a drink even though there’s fresh water in their pen.

My rabbits are rescues. One of them must have had it rough because she didn’t understand the concept of petting. Now she only agrees to receive pets when she’s on her favorite rug.