I woke up from a nap to my dog barking and found a random dog on my porch. Someone left dog treats at the end of the driveway, which are specific treats I don’t have. She has a collar with a tag for an animal hospital, indicating she’s vaccinated against rabies. There was no owner info, only the hospital’s number. I’m utterly confused about why someone would leave dog treats and dump her here. Is it possible she was abandoned? I feel heartbroken for her.
I’d contact that vet clinic to see if they can release any owner info to you. Also, post to local neighborhood socials. You can take her to a local animal shelter too; they should help locate the owner.
If you think it’s actually been dumped, and you’re in a country with decent animal control laws, you can report the owners to the proper authorities. They’ll likely check on the animal’s well-being, and if this occurs again, they could face fines for it. This is completely unacceptable.
I hope you’re not talking about the USA because that’s been happening here forever, and animal control really doesn’t do much. All you have to do is check social media for posts.
Wow, you definitely are lucky. Our governor in Florida made animal cruelty a felony, but it’s up to the state attorney to prosecute, so it doesn’t always work out.
Yep, we’re pretty harsh on animal cruelty here, not harsh enough in some cases, but much better than other countries.
The number of times I’ve seen something like this would probably spin your head. Even getting owner info often leads to nothing; dumping a dog isn’t worth anything. I had that dog for 11 years—he was awesome and protected my house and me. I miss him but am grateful for the ones I have.
She’s been dumped. Poor thing… hopefully, you can keep her.
Any cameras in the area?